Relief Resources for Stylists

Proactive Tips & Resources for Stylists Affected by COVID19 

Now more than ever, we need to work to adapt to a changing world. For some people this is a time of crisis, but for others it is a time for opportunity and learning. Which will you be?

We know Colortrak fans just aren’t the type to rest on their laurels… That’s why we assembled a list of resources, ideas, and tips for stylists struggling through Covid-19. 

Together, we can stay one step ahead of the game, while taking advantage of the resources available to us. And don’t be shy, feel free to send us your tips too– we want to hear from you! 

  1. Be Honest with Yourself, Your Family, Your Lenders, Your Utility Companies, AND Your Clients– This Affects You. 

It’s easy to feel alone during isolation, but we’re all facing this together. We’re all about positive thinking, but we don’t want to live in denial either! 

Hop on the phone to let everyone know what’s going on– especially your clients and lenders. Do not avoid your bills, we repeat: do not avoid your bills! 

More likely than not, companies will be willing to work with you. Insurance, electrical and telecommunications companies across the country are offering delayed payment options. The only way to know is to ask!

  1. Make Time for Self Care 

As stylists, we’re all about the go-go-go. With the world on pause, it can be hard to hit the breaks and find our center, even when we need it the most. Take care of your mental health above all else, and create a little routine to keep yourself sane! 

It’s up to you what “me” time looks like, but for us it is getting FULLY dressed in the morning, scheduling video calls with friends and coworkers, and MOST IMPORTANTLY learning new things (hello, Colortrak Academy)!

  1. Make Educational Videos & Offer Virtual Consultations 

Keeping up with your clients is crucial. You want them to come back when all this is over, after all! 

While you have extra time on your hands, send them tips and tricks for protecting or styling their hair. They’ll be grateful for the learning experience, and will hopefully emerge from this chaotic time with a few more skills– all thanks to you.

Virtual consultations take this idea to the next level, giving you the opportunity to book one-on-one time with clients who want to learn how to curl their hair, create nicer up-dos, or get a little help with our next point...

  1. Prepare Touch-Up Kits for Your Clients

There’s only one way to prepare for an onslaught of box dye color corrections when this is over... Start arming your clients with custom color kits now. This is a great way to protect all your hard work and earn some extra income during isolation. 

We offer plenty of color kits and hair dye applicators that you can use to mix and deliver custom color blends to your clients. Include some simple step-by-step instructions and BAM!, they’ll have nice (or at least tolerable) roots until they can get back to your salon. 

  1. Know That You CAN File for Unemployment, Even if You Rent a Chair

Just because you’re an independent contractor, doesn’t mean you don’t qualify for unemployment benefits. For the first time, freelancers are eligible for unemployment, which can be a huge help for stylists struggling to find work. 

According to this article in the New York Times, 

“Self-employed workers will also be eligible for the additional $600 weekly benefit provided by the federal government.”

Benefits vary by state, so be sure to check with your state’s unemployment insurance program to learn more. 

  1. For Salon Owners: Get Help Paying Your Employees

The U.S. Senate Committee on Small Business & Entrepreneurship passed the American Workers Paid & Employed Act earlier this month to help small business owners avoid layoffs. If you’re concerned about paying your employees, the Small Business Association offers a great list of funding and loan options worth checking out. 

  1.  Start a GoFundMe for Your Salon

Even apart, we stand together. Now more than ever, people are helping local businesses survive this time, especially on platforms like GoFundMe. You’d be surprised at how many people are willing if they only knew what you were going through! Crowdsourcing is your opportunity to share your story.

Here are 3 great examples of salons with successful GoFundMe campaigns:

  1. Abate or Negotiate Down Your Rent

Don’t be afraid to try to negotiate down or abate your rent for the next few months. Be honest with your landlord, and open about your intentions. Of course, it helps if you have a positive relationship with your landlord from the get-go! 

Here's an article from the Seattle Times that has some great tips on dealing with your landlord if you’re falling behind. 

Bonus Points if you read up on how to negotiate better. It’s an essential life skill!

  1. Reduce or Pause Mortgage Payments

If you own property, whether commercial or residential, you may be able to reduce or completely delay your mortgage payments for the next few months. This could be a huge help, but will largely depend on your bank. Again, don’t be afraid to hop on the phone and ask. 

Do you have any tips you’d like to add? To help your fellow stylists. Remember, we’re #bettertogether. Share your ideas with us to to be featured! 

If your tip gets chosen, we’ll give you a shoutout and link to your Instagram! 

With Love and Solidarity Always, 


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